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Yakuza: Like a Dragon, also known as Yakuza 7, which is a role-playing video game developed and published by Sega. It is the eighth main release in the Yakuza series, and was released in Japan for PlayStation 4 on January 16, 2020. It is scheduled for a worldwide release on November 10, 2020 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S; the latter will have the game as a launch title. A PlayStation 5 version is set to release on March 2, 2021.

Similar to previous games in the Yakuza series, side-quests (known as sub-stories in-game) can be taken up by the player to gain additional rewards and players are also able to enjoy the various side activities around the map such as karaoke. A new side-activity introduced in this game is Dragon Kart, which is similar to other kart racing games in terms of its gameplay. A huge departure from previous Yakuza games is the battle system. Instead of the real-time beat 'em up mechanics of previous games, Yakuza: Like a Dragon features turn-based RPG type combat, with a four-person battle team. However, unlike typical turn-based RPGs, characters may use nearby surrounding items such as bicycles to attack enemies (if the items are near the enemies) or may kick surrounding items to their target if there is an interactive item in the environment on the way to the enemy, an aspect that returns from the previous Yakuza games. Players can also call on various party assists to strengthen the party or defeat enemies, with more assists added as the story progresses or through the completion of sub-stories. Players can still continue exploring the world after completing the game.

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Yakuza: Like a Dragon Western Release Date for US, Yakuza 7 Steam/PC/PS4/PS5 Platforms Preview
2020-11-09 08:47

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