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Accounts Zattoo Accounts Ratings and Reviews
3.7 out of 5


Zattoo is a TV platform which states that it can be used for IP-based transmission of television channels and video on demand content to different devices. The company headquarters are located in Zurich and it has an additional office in Berlin.

Zattoo states that the business operates in two business areas: TV streaming operations for customers in countries including Germany and Switzerland and also a business to business service which works with telecommunication companies.

Features of Zattoo

Stream all TV channels in one app: Das Erste, ZDF, RTL, Prosieben, Sat.1, DMAX, Eurosport, WELT, …

Free yourself from broadcasting times: With Zattoo Ultimate, you get up to 100 recordings and restart functionality.

Stations for children and the younger generation: Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, KIKA, etc.

TV guide with a 2-week overview.

With Zattoo Ultimate, you get up to 4 concurrent streams and Full HD and therefore an attractive alternative to traditional cable and satellite television

Buy Zattoo Accounts

People enjoy watching TV series can choose to Buy Zattoo Accounts and find your favorite TV programs at home. Zattoo Premium Accounts, Zattoo Ultimate Accounts are available for people to select on

Sell Zattoo Accounts

People can earn money by selling Zattoo Accounts at marketplace. Buyers can find Zattoo Premium Accounts and Zattoo Ultimate Accounts at Z2U. We also offer buyers and sellers best trade system and fast delivery service.