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The World of Lithas is waiting for you. Become the next High Guardian, leader of the City of Light, and embark on an epic journey through the realm of Lithas. A fantasy world with diverse cultures and races; meet clans of lycans, demons, demi-gods, elves, orcs, and dozens more. Unite them together on your campaign, bringing them to your side as powerful champions on the battlefield. But that’s not all, forge deeper relationships, courting them as Companions, to unite your bloodlines and raise new and more powerful Champions, a new generation of heirs to fight alongside you.

The seeds of chaos have spread throughout the land, shattering and dividing the clans apart, and it will be the work of many generations of Champions to restore peace and order. You possess the Bloodline of the Ancient High Guardians, and you alone, with courage and strength, will be able to command these forces, both present and future to victory.

Do you want to build the best team in Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas and win more matches in the game? You can Buy Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas Gold to add good partners and improve your team quickly. High stats gears and powerful teammates cost a lot of gold in the game.