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Do not return the Gold under any circumstances after you have received it. Only purchase a product listing in which its description matches the item/service you want to receive. Read more about Trading Safety Guidelines.
Currency Blade & Soul Gold Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Blade and Soul Gold for Sale

Blade & Soul (or also known as BNS or Blade and Soul) is a martial arts fantasy MMORPG created by NCsoft and its Team Bloodlust division. For Blade and Soul, however, there are currencies other than gold. There's Blade and Soul Hongmoon Coins, which are crafted using Venture Tokens and Dragonstones, and are used as an alternative to nCoins in the Hongmoon, where cosmetic items and tools are sold. BNS Gold is the main currencies, used to trade with other players and to buy from local NPC merchants. Players can farm and make money as a form of reward for completing quests, BnS premium users can also get it as loot from killing mobs. Furthermore, you can get it for completing dungeons and of course selling unnecessary items to other players or NPC traders. However, if you have neither the time nor the patience for that, then your best bet is buying Blade and Soul gold from other players. This will help you save time, so you can focus on endgame PVE content and PVP. There are lots of cheap Blade and Soul gold sellers here at, so it's up to you which one you’d give your money to.

Buy BNS Gold

To get the gold you should search through the available offers. Read them carefully and select the one that suits you the most. Most of the gold trading happens in the cross server dungeons, so make sure your character fulfills the requirements set by the seller. You should also check whether the offer you’re looking at is available on your server, but you can easily toggle that using the tools available to you on the left part of your screen. After the merge, there are four main servers – NA Yura, EU Jinsoyun, RU & TH. We is the most secured trading platform for you! We always audit sellers' reputation and delivery speed, ensuring your buying safety! We take full responsibility for the entire selling and buying Blade and Soul Gold process in the Z2U marketplace. And all the Blade & Soul Gold are 100% hand-made, no hack, no cheats, no generator, 100% safe! Feel free to contact our 24/7 live support if you have any issues! If you want to find the answer of How to get gold Blade and Soul, just come to and you will find the soultion! Buy Blade and Soul Gold Taiwan, NA, Europe, EU, RU, TH, US now, and enjoy the biggest deals!

Sell Blade and Soul Gold

If you've got more than your fair share of Blade and Soul Gold, then why not sell them to other players who are more in need and exchange Blade and Soul Gold for real world money? At, you get access to buyers from all over the world. Just put up your offers and they’re sure to be picked up in no time. There’s no other marketplace on the web that offers a faster, easier, and safer way to earn cash so register with us today!