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Boundless Main Server Coins

Main Server
Delivery Method:
Face to Face Trade / Mail in Game / Auction House
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
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We Are 24/7 Online Fast Delivery Service Committed to achieve customer satisfaction All Server Gold in Stock.
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Stock:39894 K Coins
1 K Coins = USD $0.01823 
Total Amount
$ 18.23
Main Server
Delivery Method:
Face to Face Trade / Mail in Game / Auction House
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
$ 18.23
Trading Information
Do not return the Gold under any circumstances after you have received it. Only purchase a product listing in which its description matches the item/service you want to receive. Read more about Trading Safety Guidelines.
Currency Boundless Coins Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Boundless is a massively multiplayer online sandbox game, developed by Guildford-based studio Wonderstruck Games. It was released through Early access on Steam for Microsoft Windows and OS X on November 13, 2014. It was fully released on September 11, 2018, and features online cross-play across all regions with PlayStation 4.

Played in either first-person or third-person perspective, players control a customisable avatar around procedurally generated planets, made up of various types and shapes of blocks. Players interact with these blocks and discover ancient technologies to help craft tools, weapons and machines which can then be used to shape the world around them into buildings, vast cities and guilds, and eventually allow players to open warps and portals to other worlds. Players are able to gather resources from their local environment, which are then used to survive and build equipment. Bases are built in the form of Beacons, which reserve an area for a particular player, protecting the land from being mined or otherwise edited by others. Players must also deal with hostile wildlife and survival matters such as hunger to survive in the alien universe of the game. Players are able to explore solo, or to play together in groups. Large groups of players collaborate to build intricate projects or undertake large-scale hunts.

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