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Brawl Stars account
from 100 USD
Brawl Stars account
from 100 USD
Accounts Brawl Stars Accounts Ratings and Reviews
4.8 out of 5

Brawl Stars is a freemium mobile video game developed and published by Supercell. Brawl Stars is centered on shooting other players or, in some cases, AI opponents, to bring down their health and defeat them. Players can choose between several brawlers, each with their own main attacks, and as they attack, they build up a charge called "Super", which is often more powerful when unleashed. Each brawler also has an unlockable (passive) ability called a "Star Power" that can be found in Brawl Boxes (the game's loot chests) or the in-game shop once the brawler is at maximum level. Brawl Stars has different modes that players can choose from, such as Bounty mode, where 2 teams attempt to collect the most stars while eliminating their opponents. Heist mode has the teams attempt to crack each other’s safe while protecting their own at the same time. Gem Grab mode has one team collect 10 gems before the other team can, and the Showdown mode pits 10 players against each other as they attempt to be the last man standing in a slowly shrinking arena. The sixth mode, called Lone Star is part of Daily Events.

Game studio Supercell has made massive hits like Clash of Clans, the online base-building strategy game, and Clash Royale, a simple, fast-paced, tower defense Clash of Clans spinoff. Now, the famous studio has decided to ride the Battle Royale wave with Supercell Brawl Stars. Get yourselfcheap Brawl Stars Accounts and join in the fun.

Brawl Stars Guide: Which Are The Best Brawlers in Gem Grab Mode
2024-05-09 08:37

The Gem Grab mode in Brawl Stars features two teams competing in a 3v3 battle to gather purple gems from the mine located in the center of the map. The objective for each team is to collect 10 gems. Upon reaching this goal, a 15-second countdown starts.