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Currency Bubble Gum Simulator Coins Ratings and Reviews
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Bubble Gum Simulator is a Roblox game developed by Rumble Studios. The objective of the game is to collect coins to buy better bubble gum and flavors. The bigger your bubble gets, the higher you can jump. You can also hatch eggs, obtain hats and get pets to give you boosts in your collection.

Coins are one of the main currencies in Bubble Gum Simulator, mainly used to buy items in all the Stores. Coins are gained by selling your bubbles at any sell area. Coins are also scattered throughout the map. They come in different sizes in the overworld -- the number of Coins obtained being multiplied by the Pets and Hats equipped, as well as certain Gamepasses. Coins are used to buy Gum, Flavors, and Faces. They are also used to buy three different beginner Eggs: the Common Egg, Spotted Egg, and Spikey Egg. Coins were also used to open the 50th Update Box and Autumn Box. Gems are a currency in Bubble Gum Simulator, mainly used to buy Eggs. They are scattered around the map from Space to The Void, as well as in the VIP Section. They come in different sizes (affecting the amount of gems you get) in the vast space in the game - the number of gems you get is multiplied by pets and Gamepasses.

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