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Accounts Da Hood Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Da Hood is a difficult game, read below for tips. [PC/XBOX Controls][F/ButtonY - Block][E/PadDown - Stomp][G/PadUp - Carry], LCTRL+ButtonB - Crouch], Crouch+Carry = Ragdoll thrown. You can weave 100% if you time at the right time when blocking. To gain muscle buy weights at fitness. Eat lettuce to reduce muscle. Cop: To join cops go to the police station, if you execute anyone without cuffs you'll be automatically kicked off. Use cuffs instead. Criminals: Ransack banks and several others small time shops in order to gain wanted or cash. Gun saves - however, can be lost by death, or logging when KO, or 0 ammo.

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