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Currency Darkfall: New Dawn Gold Ratings and Reviews
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Darkfall: New Dawn is an Empire building MMO taking over the source code of Darkfall Online and evolving it into a meaningful sandbox game being made by Ub3rgames. It boasts impressive technology, providing large scale battles with projectile calculation and player collisions in a seamless open world. Most of the game is played in first person view, for archery and magic, and in a close third person view for melee combat. It has naval combat, mounted combat and an heroic fantasy version of tanks. You could compare Darkfall to an MMOFPS, but with a living, breathing, virtual world. This is a game without classes that offers crafting and a multitude of skills and spells that increase with use and let players feel the limit of their own abilities. There are no mages, warriors or rangers, only combatants that use whatever tools they can to reach victory. To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to  from our list of Buy Cheap Darkfall: New Dawn Gold reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.