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Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is a free-to-play game in the Dissidia Final Fantasy series for the iOS and Android platforms, co-developed by Square Enix and Team Ninja of Koei Tecmo, and published by Square Enix. The game released in Japan on February 1, 2017 and worldwide at the end of January 2018.

Overall, gameplay is very similar to other games in the genre. You collect characters, level them up, upgrade them, equip them, upgrade their equipment, etc. Your goal is to collect the strongest, closest-to-perfect characters you can get, and then explore the Overworld, unlocking new content by fighting your way to victory. Needless to say, you’re going to be battling a LOT. That is the sole focus of the game as it stands right now, which shouldn’t be a surprise as that is essentially the sole focus of all Final Fantasy titles (and the story, of course).

Trying to find a quick fix to instantly get rich in the world of Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia without the tiresome grind? Have no fear; is here to provide you a safe haven for Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Gems Top Up service. DFFOO Gems for Sale, transact with ease!