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Accounts Dragon Nest Accounts Ratings and Reviews
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Dragon Nest is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG developed by Eyedentity and currently available in different regions and languages. Aside from boasting a non-targeting combat and skill system within instance dungeons, Dragon Nest also revolves around a rich story which is told in different points of view depending on the player's chosen class.

Dragon Nest incorporates non-targeting system gameplay to create a fast-paced action-filled experience. Players choose from a range of hero classes, characters that are of the Dragon Nest storyline that can equip customizable gear and weapons. Characters exist in one world, Kalahan, which resulted from Nexon uniting all four worlds to unite the characters. Devastating skills can also be learned, to increase one's power when defeating monsters in instance dungeons or defeating other players in PvP. Dragon Nest also has the advantage of being nearly completely skill-based, with lower level characters being able to defeat high level characters in PvP with skill alone. This allows a more experienced player that is of a lower level to dominate a less experienced player of a higher level player in PvP.

Buy Dragon Nest Accounts here at the Dragon Nest Marketplace for all servers fully louded with gold and costumes for you to use. Whether you’ll get one to try a different role or rev up your gaming experience,’ got you.