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Accounts Dragon Saga Accounts Ratings and Reviews
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Dragon Saga is a side scrolling fantasy MMORPG with anime inspired graphics. The Dark Dragon Elga and former hero Paris have become allies to plunge the lands into darkness, and players must team up, as Humans or Dragonkin, to become powerful heroes and vanquish Elga and Paris from their lands. With two races and six classes, Dragon Saga gives players a fair amount of variety. In Dragon Saga, players must become mighty heroes to defeat the forces of the Dark Dragon Elga and the former hero Paris. Become a powerful Human or Dragonkin, and fight through waves of evil creatures to bring peace to the land. Start as one of 2 playable races and 6 classes with job advancements available at level 20. Dragon Saga originally launched as Dragonica, but was later renamed to Dragon Saga.

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