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Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is a 2020 battle royale game developed by Mediatonic and published by Devolver Digital. It was announced at E3 in June 2019 and released on 4 August 2020 for Microsoft Windows on Steam and PlayStation 4. The gameplay has seemingly taken inspiration from the 1980s gameshow, Takeshi's Castle.

Up to 60 players join a match in battle royale-style gameplay. Players, represented as jellybean-like figures, move around a three-dimensional playing field. The aim is to qualify for subsequent rounds by successfully completing each of the randomized pre-selected mini-games. Certain mini-games involve running towards a finish line at the end of the map, while others add elements of teamwork. Players can move, jump, or grab to help assist accomplishing the goals. On every mini-game, obstacles appear around the map for added complexity. Players who are too slow or who fail certain requirements for a mini-game are eliminated. On the final round, the remaining few players compete in a final match with a randomized mini-game designed for a smaller player size. The winner of the match is the last player standing. The in-game currency used in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is used to purchase cosmetic items for their character. The game supports micro-transactions that allow the purchase of additional in-game currency. Completing a match rewards two types of in-game currency, Kudos and Crowns, used for purchasing items of specified rarity. Increased performance in a match rewards greater quantities of in-game currency.

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Fall Guys Crossplay and Cross-Progression Guide: How to Link your Epic Games Account
2022-06-29 08:30

Many players have heard the news that the wild multiplayer battle royale game- Fall Guys has become free-to-play and it is available on most consoles. So, if they want to play Fall Guys for cross-progression between consoles and platforms, you need to know how to link your Epic Games Account at first, and how to play Fall Guys crossplay.