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Video Games Far Cry 5 Video Games Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Far Cry 5 is an action-adventure first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is the standalone successor to the 2014 video game Far Cry 4, and the fifth main installment in the Far Cry series. The game was released on March 27, 2018.

Similar to its predecessors, Far Cry 5 is an action-adventure first-person shooter set in an open world environment which the player can explore freely on foot or via various vehicles. Unlike previous titles in the series where the player takes on the role of a set character, the game gives the player the opportunity to customize their character's appearance. While the player has a variety of ranged and explosive weapons to fight against enemies, the game places a renewed emphasis on close-quarters combat compared to previous Far Cry titles by introducing a wider range of melee weapons. In addition, Far Cry 5 features a new weapons ballistics system that includes elements like a bullet dropping over a distance to make it more realistic. The player has the ability to tame wild animals through the Specialists, which is based on a system that was previously introduced to the series in Far Cry Primal. The tamed wildlife will assist the player in combat and follow the player's orders. Different wildlife have different combat patterns. A fishing mechanic was also introduced and a variety of fish can be caught. The campaign can be played individually or with a partner through the game's cooperative multiplayer mode known as "Friends for Hire".

Do you want to play Far Cry 5 game singleplayer or offline? provides Cheap Far Cry 5 PC/Steam/PS4/Xbox One Offline Mode & Single Player for Sale, the seller will give you his account, and then you Sign in on your device, and then set it offline. As long as you don’t go online, you can keep playing, which is theoretically permanent. After downloading the games on some platforms, you can switch to your own account to play online! Rent a Far Cry 5 Account from our list of reputed sellers, and download Far Cry 5 Offline Mode instantly!