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Currency Granado Espada Vis Ratings and Reviews
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Granado Espada is a Korean fantasy MMORPG developed by IMC Games Co.,Ltd. Originally released in South Korea in February 2006, the English localizations were launched in the summer of 2007 in North America and Southeast Asia. Granado Espada distinguishes itself from many modern-day MMORPGs with a Multiple Character Control (MCC) system. Rather than playing one character at a time, or using multiple clients, a player may control a party of up to three characters simultaneously. This aspect of the game gives it more of the feel of traditional, non-networked role-playing video games. Up to three characters can be selected to be part of a team in the Barracks Mode or Quarters. Any member of the party can be selected to be part of a team, regardless of differences in levels or classes.

Initially, players are able to create their own family from five stock models, namely - the Fighter, Musketeer, Wizard, Scout, and Elementalist. As the player progresses through the game, NPC characters can be recruited into the player's family. The said characters' fighting abilities can be customized through learning and developing various fighting stances, in addition to equipping them with various armors and accessories with different options. Costumes also play a large role in the customization process, and many have been developed for both the stock characters and RNPCs. To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Granado Espada Vis from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure. Granado Espada EU/US/SEA Vis for Sale, get the best deals today!