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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
13000 Gems Guardian Tales Top Up
from 70 USD
13000 Gems Guardian Tales Top Up
from 70 USD
Top Up Guardian Tales Top Up Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Guardian Tales is a pixel art, top-down, action-adventure game in which players dive into dungeons as part of an epic quest. But since it is dangerous to go alone, players can also collect various helpers to assist them in combat. Using charming pixel art graphics and challenging players through complex puzzles and challenging boss fights, Guardian Tales will also see players explore a wide range of different worlds that pay homage to the rich history of video games that inspired the developers to create the game. Begin your adventure in Kanterbury, a world in turmoil from the Invaders' attack, destined to be saved by the Legendary Guardian!

Puzzle Solving Gameplay: Lift heavy boulders, throw explosive bombs and sling yourself across obstacles to discover hidden pathways to amazing treasures! Strategic Action Combat: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge your way to victory against powerful foes and massive bosses! Challenging Dungeons & Bosses: Explore dark and dangerous dungeons to challenge the behemothic bosses that reside within! Evil pig monsters beware, the hero has arrived! Intense PVP and Rankings

Assemble and synergize your best party of 3 heroes to face others in real-time combat for glory! Hero and Weapon Collection: It's dangerous to go alone! Collect and choose from over 50 Heroes and 100 different weapons - each with their own unique abilities! Create a Guild with Friends: Make new friends, show off your heroes and party it up in the Guild House! Oh, and go easy on the Guild Scarecrow. Customize Your Floating Castle: You like pancakes? Build a Pancake House! Love clowns? Build a Circus! Customize your island the way you want for you and your heroes! Tribute Parodies: Do you like easter eggs? There are tons of in-game easter eggs. Challenge yourself to discover them all!  To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Guardian Tales Diamonds/Gems/Shards/Coins/Money Top Up service at the best place from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.