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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
Jetpack Joyride Top Up Coins
from 1.98 USD
Jetpack Joyride Top Up Coins
from 1.98 USD
Top Up Jetpack Joyride Coins Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Jetpack Joyride is a 2011 side-scrolling endless runner action video game created by Halfbrick Studios. The game uses a simple, one-touch system to control the jetpack; when the player presses anywhere on the touchscreen, the jetpack fires and Barry rises. At any time in the game, the player is provided with three missions, such as high-fiving (running past) a certain number of scientists, avoiding coins for a set distance, flying close to a certain number of zappers, or having a near miss with a set number of missiles. Each individual mission carries one to three stars, depending on its difficulty. When each mission is completed, the stars are added to the player's experience level and a fresh mission appears (unless the player has enough missions to make it past level 15). Once the number of stars required for the experience level are obtained, the player's level increases and a coin reward is given. Once the highest level is reached, the player is given the choice of either playing the game without any more missions, or trading the level 15 stars to start the game with new missions.

Coins are the main currency in Jetpack Joyride. They can be used to purchase new Jetpacks, Gadgets, Clothing and Utilities. They may be also used for purchasing coin magnets for Vehicles, or golden upgrades of them. Jetpack Joyride may be fun, but it’s still quite a hassle to grind for Jetpack Joyride Coins. To save yourself the trouble of endless grinding, buy Cheap Jetpack Joyride Coins Top Up service from now!