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League of Angels - Paradise Land is a 2D fantasy hero-collecting mobile RPG. Players find themselves in control of Iceblade, a king who's lost his memory and must fight to reclaim his kingdom and his past.

The game is primarily a Hero-Collector with many different heroes to unlock, upgrade and, of course, fight with. Combat is simple, turn-based and mostly automated outside of specials and the ultimate. Despite having some active abilities the game can still play itself and will simply use abilities as they're ready and use the ultimate on whichever hero the player gives priority to. The game also has several modes including: Hero Trial, a roguelike dungeon crawler, Labyrinth a multi-level boss-rush mode and the Arena for PvP.

League of Angels-Paradise Land Diamonds is the lifeblood, which can speed up the process of the gameplay. Purchase some cheap League of Angels-Paradise Land Diamonds and elevate your gaming experience today. There’s no better place on the web to get diamonds than right here. provides gamers with safe and secure transactions.