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Metin2 Yang for Sale

Metin2 is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) originally developed by Ymir Entertainment (now owned by Webzen Games) and originally released in Korea in 2004. It has since been published in many European countries and in the United States by Gameforge 4D GmbH,. Other versions exist in Asian languages. Experience points are earned every time the player kills enemies or completes a mission from an NPC. The game's combat is based on a Hack and slash system. Players can also gather groups of creatures and land basic attacks and skills on each one of them simultaneously while they are all attacking the character at the same time. The game has several different player character classes, all classes have 2 different sets of skills they can use, the skills can also be upgraded. There are many different maps, monsters, semi-humans, metin stones, armors, weapons, and accessories. Some Metins even have pets and different type of mounts. The currency in the game is called Yang, used to purchase items from the different NPC's. Players can use this to trade with other players or to their own shop. Players can also make their own guild of fighters and guilds can have wars between each other. Grade Points are used for a special kind of rank, the ranks are Cruel, Mean, Dishonored, Aggressive, Neutral, Friendly, Good, Noble and Chivalrous, each rank gives the player a different rate drops. The Cruel, Mean, Dishonored and Aggressive ranks also have a chance to lose items when killed. Items can influence the Grade Points. Players can also use real life money to buy Dragon Coins, with which players can buy special items and bonuses.

Yang (sometimes also called Coins or Gold) is the main currency in Metin2. Players can get it for completing quests and as loot from killed monsters. The last source of Yang is selling your items – either to NPC merchants or to other players on the market. However, making large amounts of Yang all by yourself can take a lot of time and effort. The biggest stacks of this currency are called Metin2 Won. After choosing a class, players have to level up their chosen character, learn new and better skills, and get better equipment. To do the final stage, it’s important for players to gather Metin Yang. There are many ways, but the fastest one would be through buying them online since there are many sites and players who sell Metin 2 Yang online. The problem is that many of them are scammers and phishers. However, that shouldn’t stop you from are buying cheap Metin 2 Gold, as there are still reputable sellers on the worldwide web. One of those would be us:

Buy Cheap Metin2 Yang

Fight for sheer survival as a warrior, shaman, ninja, sura, or wolfman. To help you increase your chances against waves upon waves of undead hordes, make sure to get your fill of Cheap Metin2 Yang & Metin2 Gold. has all the reputable online sellers in our listing to help you raise or sell Metin 2 currency. Purchase Metin 2 Currency now and enjoy fast and instant delivery, cheapest price ever!

Metin2 Horse Riding Skills: How to Get a Horse
2021-09-28 08:41

If you want to get a horse in Metin2 gameplay, you need to level up to rank 25 and complete the Horsequest. Here are the useful tips to help you get a horse in Metin2.