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Accounts MyFitnessPal Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

MyFitnessPal is smartphone application which uses gamification elements, for exercise and diet management. The app provides features such as, ability to enter diet data manually, or by scanning bar codes and Meal Scan feature for premium version, a computer vision technology developed by Passio Inc. that allows users to log meals by pointing their phones at ingredients and recipes. MyFitnessPal has access to 14 million foods data, with metrics to track exercise and calories. MyFitnessPal can be used to accurately track the macronutrient content of all foods as well as the user's total carbohydrate, fat and protein intake.

A Premium subscription adds new options to MyFitnessPal's robust feature set, increasing the app's customizability and flexibility. Everything you've accumulated in your MyFitnessPal account will stay just as you've built it— friends, favorite foods, diary history — but many new features are added to the mix, and some existing features get additional enhancements.

MyFitnessPal Premium is a month-to-month subscription that begins on the date you sign up. No contract, no cancellation fees, no commitment. Cancel online anytime, 24 hours a day. Are you going to lose weight in your daily life? You can Buy MyFitnessPal Premium Account at to record food you eat everyday on your phone.