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29 Product Contain 29 Offers
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Puzzles & Survival is a free-to-play mashup of two of mobile gaming's most lauded genre's – base building and match-three puzzler RPG's. This game combines the aesthetic of The Walking Dead with the gameplay of Puzzle and Dragons for a completely unique spin on this style of gameplay. Plus, it also combines the base building elements of an MMORTS. When you step into the game's zombie apocalyptic world, you'll be put in control of your own home fort and attempt to build it into something grand. The outbreak of a deadly virus swept over the world. Almost all of humanity have turned into zombies. Match-3 Puzzle meets Strategy! Solve the mysteries and build an impenetrable sanctuary. Arm yourself with strategy and tactics. A combination of a tactical wargame and casual puzzle gameplay. An innovative post-apocalyptic experience. The future of humanity is in your hands. Lead your followers to survive the apocalypse that is your quest.

Do you want to find the best place to buy cheap Puzzles & Survival Mobile Accounts? We have been in the industry of in-game asset exchange for over 10 years so we know how to attract the right sellers and drive a bargain. Here, you will find our sellers setting prices that allow you to pick out the best offer and review the sellers trust score, so you know you are dealing with someone worthwhile. All the products are provided by real players of Puzzles & Survival, 100% safe, no hack, no cheats! Puzzles & Survival IOS & Android Accounts for Sale, feel free to contact our 24/7 live support if you have any issues!

Puzzles & Survival Tips and Tricks: Top Five Puzzles and Survival Beginner Guide you should know
2021-04-28 08:37

Puzzles & Survival is a free-to-play game that available on IOS & Android device, if you haven't began with this gameplay, we list some top 5 tips and tricks for beginners!