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Robocraft Main Server Robits

Main Server
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1 Hours
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We Are 24/7 Online Fast Delivery Service Committed to achieve customer satisfaction All Server Gold in Stock.
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Stock:1 K Robits
1 K Robits = USD $60.97 
Total Amount
$ 60.97
Main Server
Delivery Method:
Face to Face Trade
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
$ 60.97
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Do not return the Gold under any circumstances after you have received it. Only purchase a product listing in which its description matches the item/service you want to receive. Read more about Trading Safety Guidelines.
Currency Robocraft Robits Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Robocraft is an online vehicular combat game developed and published by Freejam Games. The game is set on different planets, with players constructing robots to fight with and against others in battle. The game features contained garages in which players can build various functional vehicles with basic block-based parts, such as cubes and wheels, along with weapons that can be used for combat.

Robocraft is a "build, drive, fight" game where players build their robots from building parts that can be bought for "Robits", the in game currency. Robits can be earned by fighting battles, where you earn more by destroying more enemies and capturing more mining points, or by selling building parts. Players have the option to play multiple game modes that offer different experiences, for example, Player Vs AI, Brawl and custom games. Robocraft uses "Robits" as its currency. Robits are used to buy parts, which is called "Forging". They are earned by selling parts using the "Recycler" or playing matches. Before June 19, 2018, you could also get items from crates. After that date, they were removed and instead you get Robits only. The more Experience you get in a match, the more Robits you earn. Currently, you cannot have a level above 10 000.

To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended toBuy Cheap Robocraft Robits from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.