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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
1998 Jade Royal Chaos Top Up
from 70 USD
1998 Jade Royal Chaos Top Up
from 70 USD
Top Up Royal Chaos Jade Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

“Royal Chaos” is a card-based Chinese ancient culture romantic style game that take you into an immersive adventure. In game as a noble lady who will dress up like a ancient chinese with original beautiful fashion of old time, and pursue love with migical romantic encounters, new story, new hero, new gameplay, adorable Pets companionship and fishing, farming, cooking on your own sweet home, the most addictive royal love affair and romantic wedding, will you grin and bear the destiny? And take on the surrenders of your enemies!

Features: 1. Love and Peace: Experience theatric troubles one chapter after another. 2. Most Popular: Do what it takes to form your harem and pick the best of the best. 3. In the Eye of the Beholder: Buy a beautiful dress and watch the jaws drop. 4. All-Stars: Form your pool of generals from a cast of famous historical figures. 5. Filling Ranks: Discover rarity-ranged heroes and utilize their active and passive skills as well as you can. 6. Handmade: Find precious resources and craft all manner of items.

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