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Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 is a Japanese role-playing game developed by both Atlus and Sega, and published by Sega for iOS and Android. The game was initially released in January 2018, in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, but later released worldwide. A mode similar to Pokémon Go was later added after the game's launch, showing demons in augmented reality.

Dx2 is a role playing game, featuring game mechanics found in gacha games, as well as the Shin Megami Tensei series. Battles are turn based, and follows the "press turn" battle system founded in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Under the press turn battle system party members can gain additional moves from exploiting enemy weaknesses. Dx2 is a free to play game, with microtransactions, featuring a single-player, and a combative player verses player mode. Dx2 features over 160 demons that can all be recruited through normal play, without microtransactions, and have a player rating system in place.

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