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Top Up Sling TV Top Up Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Sling TV is an American streaming television service operated by Sling TV LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dish Network. Unveiled on January 5, 2015, at the Consumer Electronics Show, the virtual multichannel video programming distributor aims to complement subscription video on demand services for cord cutters, offering a selection of major cable channels and OTT-originated services that can be streamed through smart TVs, digital media players and apps. The service is available in the United States and Puerto Rico as of 2015.

Sling Orange used to be the cheaper of Sling's packages, but now it costs the same as Sling Blue.  Orange gives you access to 32 live channels, including ESPN, Freeform, Disney Channel and CNN. Sling Blue gives you access to 47 live channels. However, Blue does not include every Orange channel by default; there’s no Disney and no ESPN, for starters. On the plus side, Sling Blue is a multi-stream option, which means you can access the service on up to 3 devices at once. Three different people could use the account simultaneously, or you could record three shows while you’re away, or mix and match. Sling Blue users also have the opportunity to watch NBC stations, including NBC, USA, Bravo and SyFy. Also, Fox News and MSNBC, which never agree on anything, are both only on Sling Blue, with neither on Orange. is the biggest marketplace for trading digital assets online. With over 1 million members, it is very easy to buy and sell Sling TV subscription Top Up service, including Sling Blue & Sling Orange Subscriptions. Thanks to our player-to-player marketplace, this also means you can sell what you want here for the best prices online!