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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
5000 Tickets Survival Heroes Top Up
from 70 USD
5000 Tickets Survival Heroes Top Up
from 70 USD
Top Up Survival Heroes Tickets Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Survival Heroes is a mobile MOBA Battle Royale game where players land on an island, collect gear and items, and battle with 99 other real players to be the last one standing. Collect new distinct weapons, each with their own abilities for all types of playstyles.

Survival Heroes is a free-to-play mobile MOBA Battle Royale game developed by Snail Games. Elements from both MOBA and Battle Royale games are merged together in a way that's surprisingly fluid, and makes it a very easy game to pick up and play for those who already familiar with the genres. Players land on the island of Champville, explore it to find items and weapons, and be the survivor among 99 other real players. Weapons found along the way bring exciting abilities: dual axes that summon a bear pet, magic hammers that trap enemies in lightning, scythes that pull enemies to the player, and more. Since the weapons are found along the way instead of chosen, each round feels varied and unique, guiding players into learning the new weapons and gameplay styles. Combat can then be customized with Runes, adding extra effects like increased attack and movement speed, HP recovery, and cooldown reduction. Runes are obtained by spending in-game currency on lootboxes, so players need to grind or be lucky to get specific Runes.

Grinding Survival Heroes Tickets is always time-consuming and rarely enjoyable, which is why many players choose to buy cheap Survival Heroes Tickets Top Up service directly at Here, all sellers are verified, and you are guaranteed safe and in-time delivery or your money back.