The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is an action-adventure game set in the fantastical world of Hyrule. The game follows Link, the hero of Hyrule, as he embarks on a quest to stop an evil sorcerer named Zephyr from obtaining the Tears of the Kingdom, a powerful artifact that has the ability to grant wishes. The game features a variety of weapons and items for Link to use, including his trusty sword and shield, boomerangs, bombs, and the iconic Hookshot. Link can also use various magical abilities, such as the ability to warp through space and time with the Ocarina of Time.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom CD keys are typically unique codes provided by the game's developers or publishers and are intended for use by players who have legally obtained the game. It's a digital key that allows you to download The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom directly to Nintendo Switch directly from Nintendo eShop.
We are one of the largest platforms of digital gaming keys in the World. Thousands of reputed sellers here offering a fast, reliable, secure, and cheap alternative to buying physical copies of games. Rather than buying a physical disc of games, gamers are switching to digital. With the digital solution, you download the game from the the likes of the Nintendo Switch stores, and enter a key to activate the game. Not only is this approach more convenient, it also comes with a big saving.
By using, you can easily find the best deals on video games as well as the seller that suits your needs. Once you have made your payment, the seller will immediately deliver your game either by direct download or key. You can activate the The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom CD Key on the corresponding platform and start downloading and playing your game without any further charges.
1. Go to the Home menu on your Nintendo Switch.
2. Select the Nintendo eShop icon.
3. Select "Enter Code" from the left-hand menu.
4. Enter the code you received from our seller and select "OK."
5. Follow the prompts to download and install the game.
In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK), the quest to get the sound of a drum for the Great Fairy Cotera requires a series of steps that intertwine multiple side quests and preparations.