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Top Up TIDAL Top Up Ratings and Reviews
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TIDAL HiFi, Standard & Master

Tidal is a Norwegian subscription-based music, podcast and video streaming service that offers audio and music videos. Tidal was launched in 2014 by Norwegian public company Aspiro and is now majority-owned by Square, an American payment processing company. Tidal has apps available for Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS and Android compatible devices. Tidal is compatible with Apple TV, Roku, CarPlay, Android TV, and Amazon Fire TV.

There are three different streaming qualities in TIDAL, including standard, HiFi, Master. Standard quality is easily accessible and the best compromise between data usage and sound fidelity. TIDAL HiFi allows you to stream audio using the lossless format FLAC, creating a crisp and robust music streaming experience. Master sound quality is authenticated and unbroken, with the highest possible resolution — as flawless as it sounded in the mastering suite and precisely as the artist intended.

There are four subscription rates: standard, family, student, and military. No matter what rate you pay, you’re charged every 30 days. According to the company website, months containing more than 30 days may show charges twice in a month. Family memberships allow for up to five members to be on a single account. Its student membership requires users to enter their university and provide a valid university email address. This requires verification every 12 months. Military memberships, on the other hand, require users to select their current military status, denote what branch of service they’re in, and provide an applicable email. Both student and military membership types are limited to certain geographies.

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Tidal Premium vs HiFi vs Master: Difference between Tidal Subscriptions
2021-09-08 08:41

The TIDAL owns three major different subscriptions: including Tidal Premium, HIFI and Master. Each Subscription will cost different price and have different benefits and privilege.