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Top Up Vikings: War of Clans Gold Ratings and Reviews
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Vikings: War of Clans is an MMO strategy game developed and published by Plarium. The game is free-to-play though certain features are available for players to buy.

In Vikings: War of Clans, players have to cooperate with each other to create their own clan. Each clan has the ruling hierarchy from a ranker to the chief, and each player has their correspondent authority extent. The main game goal is to capture the place of power – a unique location placed at the center of every kingdom. Players create and develop their own clans, train troops and upgrade their heroes and their towns. Each in-game upgrade requires special resources – lumber, iron, food, stone, silver or the in-game currency "gold". Resources can be obtained via upgrading resource buildings in the town, undertaking marches to resource locations on the global map and attacking towns of other players. Players can team up into groups which can contain up to 100-125 persons (depending on the strength of the clan and their stronghold) united by a single clan name, shield, regulations and management structure. Players create clans to achieve collective goals such as capturing the Place of Power, taking part in clan competitions and helping clan members to develop.

Start your clan with all the resources, people, and buildings you need. All you have to do is to buy Cheap Vikings: War of Clans Gold. Don't wait for the construction of your buildings or training of your troops to finish! Buy Vikings: War of Clans Gold and send out your ready-made troops to wreak havoc. Be a part of today!