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Mrbullproseller Warpath TOP UP Ratings and Reviews
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Game Description

Warpath is a classic Real-time strategy mobile game published by Lilith Games. Set in the thick of World War II, Warpath takes you on a journey, but this time you are in control of your army. As you advance through this epic RTS-game, you will find theatrical introductions, realistic landscapes, and incredible war-time battles. Build an army from over 90 types of classic military units and fight alongside the greatest generals to strike back and save the day! Only a brave Commander can forge a unique Warpath to freedom and justice! Train your soldiers and equip your army with powerful units fit to take on Raven. Max out your units! Lock and load your favorite WW2 arsenal and establish an army ready to wage war on a global battlefield. Customize your units by assembling, disassembling, modifying and upgrading weapons of your choice. Select your infantry, tanks, artillery, tank hunters and rocket launchers.... endless battle arrays unite with each battle. Join warriors around the world! Unleash your strategy targeting enemies. Move your bases to build, occupy strategic places, and expand your territory. Non-stop action! Interact with smooth mechanics and gestures, sending each of your units in independent directions, attacking adversaries with maximum force. Each role adds a personal touch! The beautiful Adjutant Percy, the seasoned Jack Spanner, fierce White Wolf, seductive spy Bloody Mary, muscular Artillery Commander The Eruptor, the caring Angel of Light and dignified Guardian of Truth—they're all here for you to lead units of your choice. Don't forget to visit battle-hardened Aussie Sergeant Ned Taylor, to open chests and acquire new units.

Gold is the premium currency of Warpath. The spoils of war, gold is a universal currency and can be used for buying or incentivizing others to rush their current jobs. Gold can occasionally be spent to buy supplies from the Black Market, along with the other main supplies. Gold is used to increase one's VIP rank. Each rank costs increasingly more gold to achieve.

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