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World of War Machines - WW2 Strategy Game is developed by Bigbreakgames and launched on ios and android device! It's 1938. And the world finds itself on the brink of war yet again. Europe is faced with the threat of a resurgent Germany under fascist leadership.

Prepare for World War II: the two sleeping giants—the Soviets and America—hasten their rearmament, building up their military might. Prepare for war by constructing, researching, and crafting equipment! Defeat AFV Platoons and Battle Groups and secure supplies and loot! Experience Historical Battles: In 1939, the situation reaches a boiling point. Germany goes eastward, demanding Poland to yield Danzig. It takes one spark to ignite the European conflict once more. Command the army with officers and NCOs who participated in World War II! Experience World War II battles, including the Invasion of Poland and Operation Uranus! World War II in high quality 3D: The battle rages on over land, sea, and air. The British carry on, engaging in a ruthless battle over the skies of England and the channel. Mainland France falls to the unrelenting assault of the German Blitzkrieg. Build the strongest army by manufacturing historically accurate tanks, artillery, and infantry! Deploy aircraft to break the enemy’s will! Use the relative strengths of units and strategically place them to claim victory! Win and conquer with commanders from all around the world. The world is now engulfed in the flames of war and it's time to make history. Win the war with mighty global alliances! City Conquests: conquer key points in Germany, USSR, and other parts of Europe, and attack cities!

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