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Top Up Z Day: Hearts of Heroes Gold Ratings and Reviews
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Z Day: Hearts of Heroes is a real-time, massively multiplayer online, base building strategy game. It retells the story of World War II where Allied Forces failed to repel the Nazis on D-Day. In the game’s timeline, evil scientists had used weapons that could tamper with the weather, and ultimately setting off an experimental Anti-matter Bomb a year later which destroyed most of the world. You are one of the Commanders remaining that can stand and fight against the hostile forces that wish to conquer all that is left of the world. In order to do so, you will need to start by rebuilding your base and restoring your military prowess. Setting up a base requires resources and time. To start off, you can begin by constructing a couple of structures that provide resources, such as oil wells for oil and food factor for food. Upgrading resource structures will greatly increase their productivity. Moving forward, you will need to raise up an army for the various challenges ahead. Your military power consists of a variety of different soldiers and tanks. You can gain access to better-trained soldiers and more powerful tanks as you upgrade your buildings. It would be prudent to build an army as soon as possible to prepare for the battles ahead.

Z Day: Hearts of Heroes Gold is the game currency, which you can use to purchase premium items. Except farming, you can buy Cheap Z Day: Hearts of Heroes Gold Top Up from We offer them with the cheapest price with safe & fast delivery.