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Anime Defenders Roblox Platform Anime Coins

Roblox Platform
Delivery Method:
Auction House
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
Seller Reminder
How to it works? 1. Place an order. and input the correct data. 2. make sure to put your Username on " charactername" section. 3. we will deliver your order in 10mins - 1 hour
Seller Level
Selling for
Less than 1 years
Successful orders
Sold Orders in 6 months
Less than 1K
1 = USD $0.01 
Total Amount
$ 10.00
Roblox Platform
Delivery Method:
Auction House
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
$ 10.00
Trading Information
Do not return the Gold under any circumstances after you have received it. Only purchase a product listing in which its description matches the item/service you want to receive. Read more about Trading Safety Guidelines.
5.0 out of 5

About Anime Defenders

Anime Defenders is an anime-inspired Roblox tower defense game where you’ll place tiny anime heroes to try to defend your base from hordes of enemies. Outside of the game’s usual levels, you can Summon for new units, complete challenges, and use your rewards to upgrade and craft new defenders in a detailed neon lobby.

What is Anime Coins?

Anime Coins is the in-game currency used in the mobile game "Anime Defenders." These coins are essential for various activities within the game, such as purchasing items, upgrading characters, unlocking new content, and participating in special events. Players can acquire Anime Coins through gameplay achievements, completing quests, defeating enemies, participating in events, and sometimes through in-app purchases. The accumulation and strategic use of Anime Coins play a significant role in advancing in the game, enhancing characters, and accessing exclusive features and rewards.

How to Earn Anime Coins?

1. Completing Quests

2. Defeating Enemies

3. Participating in Events

4. Achievements and Milestones

5. In-App Purchases

6. Website Purchases

Buy and Sell Anime coins at Z2U

If you're in search of a dependable platform for trading in-game coins, Z2U is an excellent option. Here, you'll discover affordable Anime Defenders Anime coins offered by numerous reputable sellers, all with secure payment methods and instant delivery. Additionally, if you're looking to sell your Anime coins, you can do so on our platform with confidence. We prioritize the safety of both buyers and sellers, ensuring a secure trade process.