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Asterism Online is a Science Fiction Fantasy online multiplayer RPG set in the Groombridge 34 star system. The star system consists of 5 playable alien races in 4 solar systems. Each solar system will be home to one of the five races and the fifth race is a nomadic race with no set home solar system. Asterism Online uses a skill based advancement system with no player levels. By using the skill based advancement system, each player can customize their character in any way they like. Choosing from one of five starting professions the player can customize their character by adding skills from any of the other skill trees. The starting professions include: Brawler, Marksman, Artisan, Scout, Medic. Character progression will require gathering the appropriate skill XP to become more proficient in the selected skills. Additional skills can be learned by visiting a trainer for the initial training, then by using the skill the player will advance.

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