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Accounts Bet Plus Accounts Ratings and Reviews
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With premium online video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video continuing to add to their subscriber counts, more and more media outlets are launching online-only spinoffs. The BET cable network is no different, and in 2019, it launched its own service called BET Plus.

BET+ is a premium streaming service made primarily for and about Black Americans. It comes from the BET (Black Entertainment Television) cable TV network, which itself is owned by ViacomCBS, which also operates Paramount Plus. BET Plus is also getting support from Tyler Perry Studios, the movie and TV production company founded by Tyler Perry, who has written, directed and/or created a host of popular movies and TV shows for the past 15 years. These include Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Why Did I Get Married, and The Haves and Have Nots, among others.

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