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Currency Broken Ranks Plantinum Ratings and Reviews
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Broken Ranks MMORPG Game

Broken Ranks is a free to play isometric MMORPG with turn-based combat, developed by Whitemoon Studios. It was released on January 25th, 2022. Broken Ranks is an isometric-view MMORPG with an engaging, turn-based combat system, a deep, story-driven narrative and plenty of social features that will let you cooperate and compete with players from all around the world.

What Are Broken Ranks Platinum and Broken Ranks Gold?

There are two kinds of currencies in Broken Ranks, like Premium platinum and Standard Gold. Players can use these two kinds of currencies to trade items or other useful gear in the game. While the way to acquire both platinum and gold is not easy, you need to pay more time and effort on grinding. 

How to Get Broken Ranks Gold or Platinum

Players can sell items, loot mobs and trade with other players to get Broken Ranks Gold, while Broken Ranks Platinum can only be acquired by trading or buying from the game shop. So, Platinum is so rare in Broken Ranks, it is expensive to buy Broken Ranks Platinum in the game-shop. Players can choose to buy Platinum at in cheapest prices.

Sell Broken Ranks Platinum at Z2U

Do you want to earn extra money from selling Broken Ranks Platinum? You can join in Z2U sellers and sell Platinum in your account for money at Z2U. We provide full service for sellers and you can receive the money in short time.