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Dual Universe Main Server Quanta

Main Server
Delivery Method:
Face to Face Trade / Auction House
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
Seller Reminder
We Are 24/7 Online Fast Delivery Service Committed to achieve customer satisfaction All Server Gold in Stock.
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Selling for
Less than 1 years
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Positive Rating
Sold Orders in 6 months
More than 4K+
Stock:5363 Mil Quanta
1 Mil Quanta = USD $0.06919 
Total Amount
$ 17.30
Main Server
Delivery Method:
Face to Face Trade / Auction House
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
$ 17.30
Trading Information
Do not return the Gold under any circumstances after you have received it. Only purchase a product listing in which its description matches the item/service you want to receive. Read more about Trading Safety Guidelines.
Currency Dual Universe Quanta Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Dual Universe is a first person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online role play game (MMORPG) video game in development by the Paris-based game development studio, Novaquark. The game is set in a continuous single-shard universe, wherein players are able to fully edit the environment by building structures and altering terrain, as well as being given the ability to script the components within vehicles and other player-built objects. A heavy focus is also placed on allowing for collective social gameplay involving exploration, mining, crafting, trade, politics and warfare. No loading, no server instantiation, no tricks. No Man's Sky, and Space Engineers. All players share the same persistent universe, at the same time. Dual Universe is the first Metaverse: a common, shared virtual world, controlled by the players. Voxel-based, fully editable universe. Create entire cities, giant space stations, massive warships, underground bunkers or… flying cars! Mine. Craft. Build and optimize production factories. Then barter or trade your creations, or those from others. A shared universe means a single, global economy - run by players. From pirate raids to skirmishes to coordinated attacks: space is a dangerous place. With real-time destruction, battleship crews and player-designed ships, this is PvP like no other. Don’t want PvP? Stick to Safe zones and you'll be fine. The role you play in the shared universe only depends on your actions and your choices. Be a space pirate. A galactic trader. A cargo hauler. An interstellar industrialist. And everything in-between.

Quanta (plural quantum) is the currency in Dual Universe. Gamers require quanta to buy things in Dual Universe. Whether it’s more materials, products, or constructs, they need to spend it. For any Hunter/Gatherer, you’re going to need supplies and weapons to protect yourself from any danger that lurks in distant planets. You’re not going to be effective in performing your roles without proper preparation. What does that need? You guessed it, quanta! Dive into the economy of the Dual Universe game by getting as much of the official currency, Quanta, to jumpstart your rags to riches story! There are all sorts of transactions that you need to go through including construct usage fees, market taxes, and more, making Quanta essential if you want to fully enjoy what Dual Universe has to offer! has been in the industry of in-game asset exchange for over 10 years so we know how to attract the right sellers and drive a bargain. Here, you will find our sellers setting prices that allow you to pick out the best offer and review the sellers trust score, so you know you are dealing with someone worthwhile. Buy cheapest Dual Universe Quanta now with safe and fast delivery!