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Monster Super League is a mobile strategy RPG where players can catch, train, and battle cute creatures called Astromon. Explore over seven different regions and discover 500+ different Astromon. Catch, train, and battle over 500 different kinds of Astromon. Each Astromon comes with its own set of abilities and can be evolved into a six-star version. Variants are also available for Astromon, meaning that a fire-type can become a light-type. Battle it out with other creatures, learning the strengths and weaknesses of elemental attributes and combat styles. Explore over seven regions with unique storylines. Face the challenge of daily dungeons for rewards and experience. Equip Astromon with gems to enhance stats and participate in server-wide events. To enhance your adventure and compliment your gameplay, you can Top Up Monster Super League Astrogems from our list of reputable sellers here at in a safe secure environment and at cheap rates. Cheap Monster Super League Astrogems for Sale, get the best deals today!