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Game Service New World Game Service Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

New World is an upcoming open world massively multiplayer online role-playing video PC game planning release in May 2020. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this land of danger and opportunity. Gameplay set in the mid-1600s, players colonize a fictional land modeled after British America in the Atlantic Ocean. Players scavenge resources, craft items, and fight other players. The game will work off a pay to play model. A closed beta will occur in April 2020 for players who have preordered in Steam or Z2U. As New World player, your fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive? Strike out alone to forge your own heroic path, or band together, fortify, and fight, and creatures of legend have all succumbed to its corruption. It must be stopped. As you explore Aeternum, you will discover beauty, danger, and opportunity at every turn. Bend the wilds to your will by hunting fierce beasts for food and crafting materials and harvesting valuable resources from the land to fuel your ascent to power. Leverage geographic advantages to control rare resources to accelerate the growth of your territory.

Have no time for weapon proficiency training? Avail of a power leveling service! New World MMO leveling can be tedious and time-consuming. By availing of this service, you can just charge into all the battles you want. You can even get a chance to get New World preorder bonuses. Just follow all of the instructions and you're good to go!

New World Guide: How can a Beginner get off to a strong start in Aeternum?
2024-11-18 08:56

New World is a classic MMORPG masterpiece that combines gathering and combat elements with a modern third-person combat system. Set against the backdrop of a player-driven economy.

New World: Latest News about Seasonal Model, Battle Pass and Event in New World Update
2023-02-24 08:27

The latest news is that the developers are going to introduce different things for New World, which plans to attract more new players and join in the adventure.

New World Brimstone Sands Update: Everything You Should Know in New Brimstone Sands Area
2022-10-19 08:50

Players who are fond of playing New World are excited about the new update of New World. There will be a new area called Brimstone Sands introduced into the world in the game.

New World 3V3 PvP Arenas Update: New PvP Mode, New PvP Currency, New Perks
2022-05-30 08:41

New World has released the big May update for players at the end of May, 2022. There are a lot of new changes in the game, which waiting for players to explore in the new version. If you are interested in the latest May Update, please read this article carefully.