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One Piece Bounty Rush is a free-to-play mobile game based on the One Piece franchise, developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It was initially released in March 2018 for Android and iOS platforms and was taken offline in early April 2018 due to maintenance issues and later re-released on January 31, 2019. Your objective: to get more loot than the rival team. To do this, you have to fight against the other players as well as other smaller enemies. The controls in the game are really well adapted to touchscreens, with the ‘stick’ on the left side of the screen and the attack buttons to the right. Also, to the right of the screen you’ll find the buttons to send ‘emojis’ and messages to your teammates. One Piece Bounty Rush lets you control a bunch of different characters that belong to five classes: warriors, support, shooters, swordsmen and tanks. Luffy, for example, is one of the main warriors that you can play with; while Zoro is an excellent swordsman. Learning how to combine characters will be vital to your victory.

Grinding Rainbow Diamonds is always time-consuming and rarely enjoyable, which is why many players choose to buy Cheap One Piece Bounty Rush OPBR Rainbow Diamonds Top Up service directly at Here, all sellers are verified, and you are guaranteed safe and in-time delivery or your money back.