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Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis AC, SG & FUN Points

There are several types of Scratch Tickets depending on the currency used, from ARKS Cash (AC), Star Gems (SG), and FUN Points. The AC Store allows you to purchase extra features to expand your enjoyability of the game. This includes items like extra Mags, extra skill trees, expanded storage, and more! You need to purchase Arks Cash to use this store. Star Gems are a new form of currency that allows players to purchase some services that would typically require AC. You can receive Star Gems for free by performing certain actions in the game, or with real money by spending Arks Cash. As a reward for wearing a newly released costume, body part, or outerwear. The AC Scratch is a "gacha," which is essentially a lottery in which you draw a scratch card to win a prize. The items included in the AC Scratch are changed throughout the course of the year. These items can include boosters, outfits, voices, lobby actions, and more! The more expensive "AC Scratch GOLD" contains bundles of cosmetics from the main scratch. To see the ongoing AC Scratches, consult the official AC Catalog page. Check out our coverage for information on the latest and past scratches. FUN points can be obtained through sending Good Jobs, logging in consecutively each day, using the NPC partners of your friends in quests, and reviving incapacitated players. They're used to play the FUN Scratch and to purchase items at the FUN Shop. The SC (ARKS Cash) & SG (Star Gems) are important in-game currency of Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, by purchasing these exchange ticket, and by logging into Phantasy Star Online 2, you will be able to obtain corresponding in-game currency.The Exchange Ticket is not an item that can be used in-game. To enhace your adventure, there are many Cheap PSO2 New Genesis AC & SG exchange tickets for Sale from trusted sellers at, discount price, instant and fast delivery!

Buy PSO2 New Genesis AC & SG

There are many PSO2 NGS Currency For Sale offers at our marketplace. From JP server to Global (North America/US) server, all the products are available for your PC & Xbox One platforms. Forget all the cheats, hacks, and finding the fast way to farm PSO2 New Genesis AC & SG can be tedious and long, just choose to buy Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis AC, SG scratch ticket to enjoy this free-to-play online action role-playing game! PSO2 New Genesis AC & SG Price is the cheapest, which are 30% off than our rivals! The places where users buy PSO2 NGS Currency will generally be the site with the most users, for a number of reasons. One of which is that more sellers means more competition, which in turn, means lower prices as sellers compete to make sales. And it's important to find a reputable and trusted player-to-player trading platform since there are lots of scam sites out there that will not only steal your money, but also your personal data. We is the most secured trading platform for you! We always audit sellers' reputation and delivery speed, ensuring your buying safety! What's more, you can find Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Start Dash Rappy Pack for Sale here, this item pack contains new Rappy costumes, a favorite from Phantasy Star Online 2, as well as various support items that will be helpful in your adventures (N-Rappy Suit, Premium Set, Material Storage Use, Salon free Pass, Trinite, Photon Quartz, Dualomite and more). Purchase these currencies and items at secure shop, and enjoy the biggest deals!

PSO2 New Genesis: How to Upgrade Weapons and increase your Battle Power in Phantasy Star Online 2 NG
2021-06-21 08:43

As you play Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis gameplay, you might think about upgrading your weapons to increase battle power! The process of doing so is not complicated at all, so let’s take a look below.