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Currency PokeMMO Money Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

PokeMMO is a free to play MMORPG created by fans, letting you play games from the 3DS Pokémon saga on your Android smartphone, where you can interact with other trainers by chatting, fighting, and exchanging the Pokémon you find. As for gameplay, it's typical for Nintendo DS Pokémon games. You move your character with a virtual D-pad and interact with your environment in real time, while combats are fought by turns as in the rest of the games from this saga. The race for the top spot among Pokémon trainers is on and it’s up to you to swoosh your way to pole position. Stock up on PokéMMO gold to ramp up your chances of success. At, you gain access to a deep roster of users to trade with for PokeMMO Money. Browse through our listings today to get the best deals online!