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27 Product Contain 27 Offers
1 Month Storytel Personal Account
from 0.49 USD
Accounts Storytel Accounts Ratings and Reviews
4.7 out of 5

With Storytel, you can enjoy our ever-growing library of audiobooks and ebooks. Storytel offers different kinds of subscriptions. With Storytel Unlimited, you get access to all Storytel titles and can choose to pay for a longer subscription period for a discounted price. With Family or Family Plus, you can have 2 or 3 accounts in the same subscription for a discounted price.

Storytel Unlimited Subscription Plan

This subscription provides access to the Service for one Subscriber. The subscription is offered to the customers based in specific countries. Storytel reserves the right to cancel any subscription if Storytel deems that the user is not based in such country. The Subscriber has access to the full Storytel catalogue (as available from time to time) in the country where the Service is used.

Read and listen to as many books as you like! There is no limit to how many and how much book you can listen to. Download books offline, choose stories for your kids, or try out a book that you didn't think you would like to listen to. Listen to your first audiobook.

You’ll find the cheapest prices for Storytel Accounts here. We don’t have any registration fees and no hidden fees. Seller's have the freedom to determine the price of their goods and to sell them cheaper since our seller fees are less than other player to player portals. Check out our catalog above if you want to get stuff. If you have any questions or concerns, our Customer Support team is up and running.