Rainbow Six Mobile is the mobile version of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, which is available on Android & IOS platforms. From the acclaimed Rainbow Six franchise, Rainbow Six Mobile is a free-to-play competitive, multiplayer first-person shooter experience on your phone.
R6 Mobile Credits is a premium in-game currency that allows you to buy various items from the in-game shop. You can use R6M Credits to buy premium weapon skins, new Operators (Ash, Sledge, Twitch, Thermite, Hibana, Caveira, Bandit, Smoke, Valkyrie, Mute), awesome outfits, Renown Boosters, and more! Some of the Operators have unique, Elite Skins featuring a completely new uniform, Victory Emote, weapon skins, and charms. Using R6 Mobile Credits is the only way to get them so don't hesitate and buy them today!
Z2U.com is the best online Player to Player Trading Market for Rainbow Six Siege Mobile, which we're enabled to offer you the best R6M Credits sellers you can trust, found your favored seller, simply click on their offer and checkout. With the help of Rainbow Six Siege Mobile suppliers all over the world, you will enjoy the cheapest price and the fastest delivery in the marketplace. And we're offering many payment methods like paypal, skrill, paysafecard and more, you will enjoy the safe payment.
Z2U.com allows every users to place their R6M Credits on our marketplace, and here, you can set your own price. To sell your products, Z2U.com allows you to free register as a seller and post for-sale offers. You can place your R6M Credits offers by pressing the “Sell” button at the top bar menu of our website. Our sellers are guaranteed 100% protection against payment fraud and chargebacks. In addition, our dispute resolution process will help you resolve any issues that you have with buyers.