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Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is an action role-playing game (ARPG) that’s looking to make a name for itself. After spending four years as part of Steam’s early access program, its official launch led to a number of server issues that marred the community’s experience. Still, with numerous competitors in the genre such as Diablo III, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, and Torchlight, it begs the question if Wolcen is worth your while. Let’s find out in our official review.

One of the most touted features in Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is the freedom to build your character the way you want to. Although you’re able to pick a starting weapon (and a corresponding skill) at the start of your campaign, you’re not locked to a specific class at all. Wolcen‘s active skills or spells are learned via “Enneracts” which, like other loot, drop from enemies or are rewards from dungeons. You can learn every Enneract/active skill in the game, though they’re dependent on the weapon that you have equipped. For instance, the “Bleeding Edge” skill which casts whirling blades around you can only be used if you have a melee weapon equipped. For those using staves or ranged weapons, you’ll probably end up using skills like “Arctic Spear” or “Wailing Arrows” respectively.

Welcome to the Wolcen Money shop. Here you can buy cheap Wolcen Gold and recieve it within minutes of placing your order. Wolcen Currency is always in stock, and will be available for purchase few days after the February 13th, 2020 release. Contact us on live chat for any additional questions, we try to cover 24/7!

Wolcen Builds: How to Reset Skill Tree in Wolcen Lords of Mayhem
2020-03-24 08:47

This short article will guide you on how to reset Wolcen Skill Tree.

Wolcen Secret Bosses Locations: Where to find all Secret Bosses Wolcen Lords of Mayhem PC
2020-03-20 08:50

These secret enemies/bosses give you achievements for killing them, but sometimes we miss a few of them. This short guide will help you to know about all Secret Bosses in Wolcen.