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World of Warships is a free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer online game produced and published by Wargaming following the earlier games World of Tanks and World of Warplanes. Besides random battles against others, player can play cooperative battle types against bots or an advanced PvE battle mode. For the most skilled players, two seasonal competitive modes are available. World of Warships was originally released for Microsoft Windows and macOS in 2017. The computer version was followed by the iOS mobile game titled World of Warships Blitz in 2018. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox console version titled World of Warships: Legends followed in 2019. World of Warships is a tactical, slow-paced shooter with two basic types of armament: ship guns and torpedoes. The game itself is team-based, so it gives to players an ability to work as a team. Within a team divisions can be established to allow a group of up to three players to join and fight battles together. The player's team can fight against other players (PvP) or against the AI (PvE) in three battle modes: Standard, Domination, and Epicenter. Each mode is scored on a points system. The warships presented in the game cover periods from the early 20th century, at the dawn of dreadnought battleships, up to warships from the 1950s, including ships that were planned but never put into production. The game has four different types of ships: destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers. The game features navies of major nations including the United States Navy, the Imperial Japanese Navy, the Imperial German Navy and the Kriegsmarine of Germany. Other smaller European navies are also represented, along with a Pan-Asian tree featuring ships from various East and Southeast Asian navies.

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