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Currency Karos Online Carats Ratings and Reviews
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Karos Online is stylish MMORPG classics online game. It has amazing fantasy world where you can find the most unusual. Variety of locations, a great number of dungeons and monsters will make you plunge into the world deeply. PVP plays an important role in the Azmara world (It is the name of the virtual world of Karos). Heroes not only have the chance to fight with each other, but also especially for this they can participate in grand battles and fight at PVP arena. Your character could be totally unique because of character customization, a wide range of costumes and amazing mounts and pets. The multitude of game professions and classes, epic battles between guilds and factions, dungeon raids, elaborate crafting system and other necessities essential for a modern MMORPG found their flawlessly neat execution in Karos. At the same time it is hardly possible to charge Karos developers with lack of original ideas while there is, for instance, the Fletta system in the game. Currently there are 5 servers for Karos. One of it is new server — Bloodstone. That's where you can start your journey through the world Azmaria. Karos is one of those games which are easy to learn and are hard to master so it can be equally enjoyed by both novice gamers and warworn vets.

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